Wednesday, September 5, 2007

My Mother's Birthday

You are no longer here Mom
I miss you more then you can know
Time creeps so slowly
Because I miss you so

No on can replace my mother
Nobody can take the sadness away
It breaks my heart again and again
So many things left to say

It is another year since you have gone
Not talking with you on the phone
Praying every night to dream of you
Hoping I won't feel so alone

I know you are somewhere lovely
A place of peace and love
Where no one suffers
With God and the Angels above

So please remember I love you
I speak to God everyday
Knowing he hears me
Passing on the words I never got to say

In loving memory of my dear Mother, Marsha Michel, on her birthday. September 5, 1947

1 comment:

Janet said...


We love you Marsha and miss you. You have never left my heart. So often I do not understand God's ways but I do trust his heart.

How very often I think of you. I know how much you are missed by those closest to you. I know you still think of us, pray for us, and you still love us. I'm so looking forward to the time when all of us are together again.

In the mean time, your daughter is still beautiful and is an amazing mother. You would be so proud of Devin and Dennis. Your grandchildren are growing like weeds and you even have a new one!! I think she might be spunkier than all the rest of them. Marsha, your family is beautiful. I know you are proud of them and your love has even grown for them. Keep us all in your prayers. It is hard being the ones left behind. Yet I know this is just temporary. But seems like forever at times.

I love you!!!
