Sunday, May 25, 2008

BBQ Weekend

Part of the perks of having a BBQ guru for a neighbor is getting to attend all the festivals for free. And believe me we take advantage of this at every opportunity. This weekend is the Great American Barbecue Festival in KC which includes food, music, carnival, fireworks, hot air balloons etc. Ernie has been spending most of his time there since Thursday while the girls and I have been going back and forth since Friday.

It took a some convincing to get Mal to go down, but once McKinsey offered to take her she was ready to go. Her expressions kept us in stitches. You could definately tell when that last bump tickled her little tummy.

Another successful ride! Thank goodness the guy in the parking lot gave us lots of tickets or mom would have put a stop to this a long time ago.

I think the balloon glow at the end of every evening has been the best part of the weekend. Mal was up for the slide but still can't convince her it would be a great idea to ride in one of these. lol There has been about ten balloons lighting up every night. Unfortunately we missed the races Friday morning(had to work).

1 comment:

Janet said...

Wow....looks like fun to me. Those balloons would have been something to watch!!

I'm sure all the festivities included eating lots of BBQ. Wonder if you will get to take home some of the leftovers!