Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Lights at Crown Center

Pictures from an evening at Crown Center.

Slow down Mal!

It was VERY cold!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


I message to visitors in my home who may need to borrow a pen or a pencil. Bring your own. lol. I noticed Mal had some extra baggage in her pants. "Hey, Mal whatcha go goin' on?" "Oh, I just am carrying my pencils in my pcoket."

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A Day With the Trains

In lots of ways little Mal is a girlie girl, but in many others she is a little tomboy. I have to laugh when I see her wearing a tutu and a camo shirt. Anyway, given a choice for an outing she will often choose to go see the trains at Union Station. Since Dad was on vacation this week he joined us.
Waiting for the big trains to show up.

Tackling a big piece of pie. The pie won.

She's 4 People

Well, the little one had a birthday last week. The big 04. I must say I am a tad melancholy and exuberant at the same time, if that is possible. Her are a couple pics of the big day. I forgot the matches, but in true Gonzales fashion we "got 'er done".

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween Extended

Since moving to KC several years ago I have taken McKinsey and several friends to Worlds of Fun for the Halloween Haunt as part of her birthday celebration. We downsized it a bit this year, taking only her best friend. Although our great friends from Garden City joined as did Morgan's boyfriend, making it a total party of six females and Morgan's man. Ha! We had a great time being frightened. My throat is sore this morning from all the screaming. We drug ourselves in about one o'clock this morning with nothing else to give. I am already looking forward to next year. The birthday girl (the one on the right).

Eileen and friend.

McKinsey and friend.
Birthday girl and me.

McKinsey and Audrey.
The teens are a posin'.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Here are a few pictures from last night. It was a major success. Much better then last year. Mal easily said "Trick or Treat" and "thank you" loudly and clearly. She was completely enthralled with the whole Halloween extravaganza and could barely carry her bucket (it was full) by the time she got back to the house. I was a bit concerned each time I would see a person dressed in a frightening costume but Mal didn't even notice. She was waay to busy looking for the next porch light.

Side note, my party at school went really well also. We had lots of parents attend and NOBODY threw up(yay!), although I did get close. I was winding lights around a faux tree and made myself extremely dizzy. lol. I almost fell down, the kids thought it was hilarious.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Still Here

Oh cheez and crackers! I can't believe I have not posted anything since July. To be honest I almost did not come back at all. But I believe things are starting to slow down a bit and will try to be more consistent. The best place to begin is probably everybody's comings and goings.

Ernie is still working like crazy and going to school 4 days a weeks. His fundraising for United Way has tapered off for now and will not take off again until the spring. His busy time at work is set to begin very soon, not sure when he will find time to sleep at that point but it is just for a couple of months.

Devin is going to school, working and hunting and not necessarily in that order. He kind of has that live to hunt motto. lol

Morgan is going to school, working and juggling a boyfriend. Which of course throws a whole new number into the equation. Honestly, my friends and I really enjoy re-living all her drama with her and always anticipate the next story to unfold. Although we should keep these conversations out of earshot of Mal. I heard her "breaking up" with her boyfriend on her Cinderella phone the other day. She also refers to Morgan's boyfriend as poopy pants after a particularly bad weekend. lovely.

McKinsey just had a birthday, 14. She got her permit this morning. Yay! (Gulp)

Mallorie is growing in size as well as cognitively, as she should be. She is hilarious and very grown up in her humor and sarcasm. Big surprise, right? Her new thing is to sing the song You Are So Beautiful in an Operatic fashion. I am told she breaks out in song occasionally at school while she is playing independently. Lovely.

As for me I am simply trying to keep up with everybody else. Today I am cleaning, well will be cleaning, hopefully. No school the next couple of days so I am thinking in the back of my mind "Why bother?".

Well, time to go. I hear Max drinking what I hope is the remnants of bathtub water(and not the toilet). I better go intercede before he climbs in. Lovely.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Ugh! It is sooooo hot!

Hello all! I can't believe it is already the middle of July. Although this heat today is doing it's best to convince me. I have not felt like doing anything, it is simply tooo hot. The girls and I have spent four out of the last ten days at water/amusement parks. Yesterday we convinced Ernie to join us. We spent the entire day at the water park, having a blast. Mal was so tired. She fell asleep during the car ride home about 7:oo and slept until 8:00 this morning. She must have jumped into the pool 100 times. I woke up with a stiff neck from some of the rides. The young man kept telling me to keep my chin tucked, which I found very difficult to do with my eyes bulging out of my head! Thank goodness there are no photos to document some of my facial expressions. Ernie of course had no expression at all, well, maybe a small smirk. He looked as if he were going for a lazy afternoon stroll. I tried going backwards, maybe it would be less frightening. No not really. You just see the drop again on the other side!

While I am here, I will give everyone a brief update on our latest going ons.

Ernie has started back to school. He is operating on even less sleep but so far is hanging in there.

Devin is still in Western Kansas. Not sure when/if he is coming back.

Mal...........well, spends a lot of time playing and telling everybody what to do. She has become EXTREMELY independent. Ernie walked in the kitchen this morning. She was warming up a piece of chicken in the microwave. It was set for 79 minutes.

McKinsey starts volleyball camp tomorrow. The countdown to the first day of school begins.

Morgan is driving like a pro. Although she did say it unnerves her when I scream while she is driving. Guess I need to work on that.

As for me, I am still trying to stick with my exercise program. This heat makes it very difficult and I only went running twice this week.

As a matter of fact we're headed to the track right now. I need to work off Popeye's Chicken. But let me tell you, it was worth every bite!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

The Fountains at Crown Center

Here are a few pictures of a recent trip to Crown Center. A few of them need to be clicked on to get a better view of the image.


"Run Boo, Run!"

Tentative at first.

Very inviting on a hot summer day!

Soaked in the end.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

My Pedometer

A few months ago I bought a new cell phone with a built in pedometer. I want to take just a moment to tell you all how this has changed my life, really! I started out with the goal of taking 10,000 steps a day, which for some may be a piece of cake, but I found myself struggling to get those in everyday. Once I was able to do that everyday for a week I slowly began to increase my weekly goals. My daily goal now is 18,000 steps a day and there are several days I take 20,000 to 23,000 steps which is the equivalent of 9 to 10 miles. I realize all these steps are not high cardio although about 1/3 at this point involve running/walking. I figure if I am moving I am not eating. Maybe that should be my motto! It is amazing how this competition with myself has simply made me look at things differently. I NEVER take the elevator. Instead of sitting and waiting for the girls at the mall, etc. I walk. I take a walk everyday on my break. I entice my class into races. Until last week when we had to change playgrounds I usually had a crowd of 5 years old's trailing behind me during recess. . Soooo, long story short I am really happy with my new phone! lol

Although I am very impressed with myself, lol, when we go hiking little Mal puts me and the big girls to shame. She hangs right in there on our 5 mile hikes. I am sure her little legs take her much farther simply because she runs ahead then doubles back a lot. Although last week we did get "trapped" in a creek. The sides were really steep for about a mile. I wasn't sure I could get myself and Mallorie up the embankment and she absolutely refused to walk in the water. There were 1000's of water bugs covering the surface. I am sure her shrieking was heard for miles therefore I carried her. For a little thing she sure can get heavy! One thing to be said for the long walks/hikes everyday, she sleeps VERY well.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Another Teen Driver

Well, just as I became very comfortable with Devin driving, Morgan now has her permit. She is doing a fantastic job. I am the one have a difficult time. I am heading to the store to pick up plenty of hair color for myself. Mal thinks it is absolutely hilarious that Morgan is driving. "What? Morgan you driving gen?" All of this said in a fit of giggles. It is very hilarious to her. Must say it has had the opposite effect on me, but note to self: do not ride in car with teenage daughter while both of us have PMS. (Makes for a very emotional trip around the block. ) lol Her driving is just another sign of things to come. I really, really don't want my kids to grow up. But as I am typing this I am thinking I really, really want my kids to grow up. Not unlike the way they must feel at times.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Hiking in the Rain

My current conditioning routine for our Pikes Peak Hike includes LOTS of cardio and a few fun hikes a week. Yesterday we had lots of fun hiking in the rain. We took Mallorie with us(dad was at the BBQ). Suprisingly she kept up pretty well althought I did get an extra workout carrying her here and there, especially uphill, the mud made everything very slippery. lol She loved getting extra dirty. Her reward for being such a trooper was playing at the playground.

Yes, I know I am biased, but don't those cheeks just make you want to smooch them until you can't smooch no more?

BBQ Weekend

Part of the perks of having a BBQ guru for a neighbor is getting to attend all the festivals for free. And believe me we take advantage of this at every opportunity. This weekend is the Great American Barbecue Festival in KC which includes food, music, carnival, fireworks, hot air balloons etc. Ernie has been spending most of his time there since Thursday while the girls and I have been going back and forth since Friday.

It took a some convincing to get Mal to go down, but once McKinsey offered to take her she was ready to go. Her expressions kept us in stitches. You could definately tell when that last bump tickled her little tummy.

Another successful ride! Thank goodness the guy in the parking lot gave us lots of tickets or mom would have put a stop to this a long time ago.

I think the balloon glow at the end of every evening has been the best part of the weekend. Mal was up for the slide but still can't convince her it would be a great idea to ride in one of these. lol There has been about ten balloons lighting up every night. Unfortunately we missed the races Friday morning(had to work).

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Not So Newsy

It has been so long since I last posted that you would think I had tons to write about. Hmmm.....not so much. I will just give a brief update on what everybody has been doing.

Mallorie is..... Enjoying dance class, although I have held her out of the recital. I really did not feel like spending hundreds of dollars to have her hang on me backstage. We will wait until she is four to do that.(Hang on me backstage I mean) She is obsessed with eating pizza. She argues with me about EVERYTHING...the sad part? Often she is right. She will only be going to school two days a week this summer. McKinsey will keep her the other two days. I see lots of pool time in their future.

The big kids are really ready for summer. Devin and Morgan plan on working quite a bit. And McKinsey? Well, since she is not old enough to have a job. She will be my slave for one more year.

The girls and I took Ernie to the airport this morning. He flew to Denver to pick up his new truck. I am sure he is smiling the whole way home. You know how it is. Country boys and their trucks, lol.

Ernie and I had our 17th wedding anniversary this weekend. We went out to dinner and were in bed before nine 0'clock. Get your mind out of the gutter....we were watching PBR(professional bull riding) with Mal in between us. I was asleep by 9:15. Oh, it was sooooo romantic. lol

Oh yes, and Mallorie has a new puppy/horse. I can't say much more about him right now. Except, I must have been drinking A LOT the evening we decided to get him!

Mallorie with Max. Check out the attire. Classic.

"Max" To give you an idea of his size, his pillow is 3' x 3'. He just turned 4 months.

I have been staying extremely busy with school. It also keeps my busy just driving/following everybody around. We went to World's of Fun last weekend. Here are a few pics.

Morgan and McKinsey are second and third from the left.

Click on the picture to get a really good look at Kinsey's face.

Another successful ride on the Wacky Worm.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


I have been nursing sick children/husband back to health for the better part of a month now. I have religiously been taking my vitamins and Airborne. I was even feeling so proud of myself for staying healthy that I, yikes...... bragged about it. "It has to be my healthy eating, exercise and excessive pill popping that keeps me strong enough to ward off silly things like the cold or uhm the flu. How else could I stay healthy in the midst of 24 four year olds and the peanut here at home." Yeah, me too, I started twitching as soon as the words came out of my mouth. I can still hear the Forces That Be laughing in the background. It all started several weeks ago with hubby and one teen after another falling ill with what I then called a "cold". Mal and I dodged this "little" bullet for three weeks. Then it happened! J, one of the slimy, I mean precious 4 year olds in my class sneezed directly in my face when we were having a little one on one counseling(to put it nicely.)It was more like, "If I ever see you take a lego and stick it........I'm gonna......." Anyway, it was a typical slow motion moment. The replay is still stuck in my head. "If only I hadn't seen him put the lego in...... Why couldn't I have just looked away?" By Friday night I had almost forgotten the episode ever happened. Went to bed as usual but a silly dream woke me up about 3:00 in the morning. I had dreamt that two fist sized rocks were burning on my back all the way into my body. As I lay there half asleep, eyes shut, I could still almost feel the hot rocks on my back. "Hey wait! Those aren't dream rocks they are Mal's little feet!" BTW, she sleeps with us. She was SICK! She had a really high temp, croup, the whole box of bolts. I immediately pulled her out of bed and the doctoring began and is still going on today. But today she acts much better and is actually eating something. While caring for her I was very adament about hygeine. "No smoochies now, Mommy will kiss you on your forehead." Yet something kept picking at the back of my mind. "Never mind, I am super healthy. Right?" Then yesterday the tickle in my throat started and I remembered J and the lego incident. Crap, crap, crap! I took an entire bottle of Airborne.......and prayed. But, sh--, I had basically shook my fist in to the air yelling "Bring it on! I can take it!" So here it is in a nutsell. What I previoulsy referred to as a "cold" is most definately the flu. I am sick. I need drugs and I want my Mom.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

It's 9:30 AM and I'm Exhausted

I can't believe it has been three weeks since I have left a post. Life has been a bit hectic around here. My latest addiction(previous post) has taken up my few spare minutes of "me" time each day. But today......Well today is a snow day. The kids have stayed home from school and I have the day off. Mal has been up since 5:15, going full steam. As for me? I am ready for a nap. unfortunatley, the little one shows NO sign of slowing down any time soon.

My favorite Mal quotes for the day, thus far......

1. Mom. I need you to come in here and keep me company while I poop.

2. Uhmmm, Mommy. I need you to make me cherry cake. My body needs cherry cake. It is really portant for my body to have cherry cake. K? It is a vegetable right?

Update: As I was taking the time to add this posting another major "milestone" took place. Mal was not more then three feet away from me. I was typing and she was cutting lines on paper. I heard a cutting sound very different from the previous noises coming from the paper and the scissors. The scissors were now in contact with her hair. Hmmmm, well she is now missing a chunk of hair over her right ear. The hair that came off her head measures 14 3/4 inches long. When I stop laughing/crying I will post an updated photo of Mal's new look.

Monday, January 21, 2008

African Animals

I am not sure why this has become my latest obsession. I think Ernie described it best when he said "Kinda like watchin' paint dry. Except it's so darn hard to look away." But just you wait! I am anxious to catch sight of a lion or zebra. You should have seen us all run for the computer the first time Ernie called out "I see a gazelle! Or.....something like a gazelle anyway!" lol

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


I know we all watch our children with held breath as they reach a never ending cycle of milestones. I become quite melancholy at times thinking of the events, no matter how minute, that have unfolded in the lives of my "babies". It is also quite entertaining to watch the teenagers as they follow Mallorie in her adventures. I must say that Mallorie has achieved this latest milestone much later then her siblings.

Saturday morning I was sitting at the computer doing "research" when I heard McKinsey yell at me with much emotion in her voice. "Mom! Come quick! Oh my goodness Mallorie! Mom, I don't know what to do. Help! Hurry!" I rush to my bedroom where Mallorie is sitting on the bed wailing and McKinsey is doing the anxiety dance. You know the one where you jump up and down and run back and forth across the room. It seems the girls had been sitting on the bed playing a game of miniature checkers, which has extremely small game pieces. Uhm, about the size of say a little person's nostril. Mallorie had jammed one of the pieces into her nose. My first instinct was to laugh but because she was in such distress I decided I better investigate first. Upon doing so I felt like I could reach in with with tweezers and pull it out. By this time the room was filled with the entire family, including the dog, but minus Ernie(at work). The big kids held her down while I went in with the tweezers. "Whoops, pushed it in farther." So now I needed to weigh my options. I will try pepper first, then go with shoving a shoe string in the other nostril(usually worked with Devin, he was forever sticking foreign objects in his nose). If that doesn't work we will head to the doctor. I certainly hoped it did not come to that. I hadn't taken a decent bath in days. So the whole crew heads to the kitchen. Yes, even the dog. I rub some pepper around her vacant nostril. Five pairs of eyes watch, waiting. Nobody is breathing not even Mallorie, okay well maybe the dog. Then the quiet is broken as Mallorie erupts into a full blown tantrum. Crap, no sneeze. Hopefully she doesn't suck the thing all the way in. It was pointed on one end and could hurt coming out the back side, if you know what I mean. So now the crew, as one unit, heads back to the bedroom where we can hold her down. Just as I turn to look for a shoe string she sneezes a huge slobbery sneeze that pops the innocent looking piece onto the bed. The room erupts with cheers as each person takes turns doing the happy dance with Mallorie in their arms. To see us you would have thought she had cured global warming. She looks at the piece and says "I don't like that game no more, I put it way". So the game is put away and the next thirty minutes if filled with tales of the wonderful, foreign objects that were placed inside the nostrils of the teenagers when they were small. Once again Mallorie provides a moment of bonding for the entire family.